Diane Sotola, with 40 years of teaching experience, is a master teacher in the line of the Bel Canto vocal teachers. Her vocal pedagogy descends from Manuel Garcia through Jean De Reske, Dudley Buck, and William Miller with whom she studied. This vocal technique has been sacrosanct through this line of master teachers. She was chosen by William Miller to continue that line.
Diane first heard about Mr. Miller while studying with Peter Schuetz as she earned her BA at Illinois State in vocal performance. Mr. Schuetz had studied with William Miller and spoke highly of him. She received her masters in vocal performance with an assistantship and she was auditioning and performing with great success. However, Diane knew something was wrong.
Not long after graduating Diane transitioned to William Miller as her voice teacher. She went looking for someone who could help preserve her voice and found what she was looking for. He said to her, “Throw everything you thought you knew about the voice away.” This began an intense period of training; its value was obvious. Diane drove back and forth from Chicago to Champagne, studying with William Miller until he died. He asked her to carry on the mantle as the next master teacher.